Make your own Church?

Posted: January 8, 2010 by Daniel in post

So if you have told someone the gospel, and they’ve responded by becoming Christian, you may already have accidentally planted a ‘church’. After all, it only takes two or three to constitute a church, and when it meets, Jesus is there in the midst (Matt 18:20). Now, having planted a church is not a cause for panic. Rather, praise God and keep at it! Keep meeting with your church and teaching him or her the Bible, as this is the only way God uses to ensure that it will endure to judgement day.

If this sounds simple, it is. The only equipment required for church planting is the gospel (supplied by God) and a mouth to speak it with. If you care to compare it with terrorism, it is considerably easier and cheaper to achieve, and it has more powerful results and longer lasting (i.e. eternal) consequences.

Extract from Firing up for evangelism

  1. georgiearm says:

    It’s cheaper than terrorism – quite a motivational article.

  2. Yes the Church is ekklesia, universal, historical and not visible to the world. BUT, the Church is also a body of people working together. Remember Matthew 18 is about Church discipline, if 2 or more agree that someone needs discipline, or has completed the discipline and can be restored, Jesus’ will is in that decision. Jesus had in view a congregation of people that has been recorded for us in Matthew 18. I’ve heard the Kevin D. Young’s book “Why I love the Church” may be a good book to read for further clarification.

  3. Sam says:

    What? No constitution, no statement of beliefs, no incorporated body, no membership, no voting, no AGM??? How can this be 🙂

    This is so simple, but so true!

    I’d rather meet in a lounge room with a handful of people who are serious about following Christ, who are committed to the Word and prayer, full of the Holy Spirit and a have a burning desire to preach the gospel & evangelise their local town!

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